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fire assay method for gold

Gold is a rare and highly valued commodity that has long been first choice for in vesting by the masses. Gold has been used to create jewellery, coins and other decorative items for hundreds of years. Gold is said to be among the most precious and fabulous commodities. What is very difficult to find remain, gold in nature. It is typically found in trace amounts which makes it difficult to locate and harvest. In the search for gold, miners employ different methods, one of which is the fire assay method.

In nature, gold is often mixed with other kinds of rocks and minerals. So we need to know how pure the gold is before we can use it for example to make jewelry or coins. One way of testing the purity of gold is doing a fire assay. When this method is used, a small amount of gold is melted with an alloy of specific substances. Such materials help to clean the Gold and refine it for use into the different products.

How to Measure Gold Purity Using Fire Assay

Fire assay: Fire assay method definition has some important preliminary steps. Each procedure needs to be done with care and in an accurate way to get proper and believable outcomes. It all starts by getting a sample of the gold we want to analyze. The next step is mixing our sample with lead oxide, borax and silica in a special pot called crucible. The crucible containing the mixture is then heated in a furnace until it becomes superhot, over 1000 degrees C! It is this high temperature which melts the materials together.

We heat for several hours, take the crucible out of the furnace, and let it cool down. While it is cooling the lead oxide and borax has made itself into a flux that could diminish any more gold, this makes the gold turn as pure as they possibly can. After everything cools, we will have to weight all the material obtained dry to know how much gold our sample contein. It help us take an exact reading of the purity of gold.

Why choose Nanyang JZJ fire assay method for gold?

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