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Купеляційна піч для аналізу вогню Україна

Did you ever wonder how scientists determine what types of metals are in soil or rock? When they do this, it might look like magic but no, they use a special piece of equipment called the cupellation furnace! This is a critical tool as it helps scientists know the materials, they are studies about.


How Cupellation Furnace Helps in Fire Assay Analysis

A cupellation furnace is an essential equipment for a fire assay analysis. That's when the heat is applied in order to distinguish between various metals found within a sample such as soil or rock. The Nanyang JZJ Cupellation furnace for assaying is specifically intended to aid them in doing this extremely precisely! The cupulation furnace allows researchers to be sure they are getting the highest and most accurate readings from their trials.


Why choose Nanyang JZJ Cupellation Furnace for Fire Assay Analysis?

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